Sunday, October 31, 2010--Pardon the interruption

Okay, this is ridiculous.  I am behind on my blog entries.  I am way behind on my blog entries.  I have been behind for about 18 months.  It’s not because Japan suddenly became uninteresting.  Just the opposite.  I’ve been too involved in day-to-day life and Japanese adventures to sit down regularly to write.  Once I got behind, I started putting off posting new entries until I’d filled in the old entries, because I wanted to keep everything in time order.  But I have recently figured out how to post-date entries (technological genius that I am), in order to insert them in the correct place on the timeline, regardless of when I write them.  So, I’m going to jump in with current entries, and will fill in the gaps from the past year as I get around to them (I have lots of notes and promise not to leave this project unfinished).  For anyone who hasn’t completely given up on me, and cares enough to go back to old entries, make a note of October 24, 2009.  Everything up to that point is complete, so new entries will periodically appear between that date and the present.  Sorry to make life difficult, and thanks to anyone who is still reading!