Wednesday, July 22--Homeward Bound

Just nine days shy of the one-year anniversary of our arrival in Japan, we are headed back to the States for three weeks. My grandfather’s inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery and a class Jim must attend are the over-riding reasons for our trip, but I admit I have other priorities. Seeing our moms; catching up with friends; bass fishing in our favorite pond (and slurping down a strawberry slushie when we’re done); shopping for American-size clothes; and chowing down at Chick-Fil-A and Cracker Barrel. Other things I am looking forward to are reading roadside billboards, walking into an unfamiliar restaurant and being confident that I am not ordering a dish that contains unidentifiable fish parts (a real hazard here when you can’t read Japanese), and chatting with the cashiers when I go shopping. While I haven’t felt really homesick since we’ve been here, there are lots of little things I took for granted in the States that I miss and will be glad to experience again.
Things I am not looking forward to…the fourteen hour plane ride and learning again how to drive on the right-hand side of the road.

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